Feb. 11 : His Excellency the Bishop blessed the Foundation stone of new block of Santhinilayam, Vazhappilly.
Mar. 25 : All the churches in Kerala were closed due to the lock down declared by the govt. in connection with Covid-19 pandemic.
May 1 : Mar Mathew Anikuzhikattil the first Bishop of the Idukki Diocese expired. He was buried at St. George Cathedral Vazhathope on 5th May 2020.
June 9 : Churches were partially opened observing Covid-19 protocol.
July 11 : Mgr. George Oliapuram relieved from the office of Protosyncellus and Mgr. Cherian Kanjirakompil took charge as the Protosyncellus.
Aug. 1 : Presbyteral council was convened online using Zoom software.
Oct. 1 : Spiritual Empowerment year was closed officially with the Holy Mass of His Excellency at the Cathedral.
Dec 20-24 : Four days online family renewal retreat was conducted for the faithful.